When you get home from having your tummy tuck in Manchester, Liverpool or nearby, some people may find it beneficial to rest in bed for an extra day or two.
When you do get up and move around; try to avoid doing any movements that put stress specifically on your tummy muscles. It is advisable to use two pillows under the knee while sleeping to relieve any pressure on the muscle repair. When getting out of bed, after a tummy tuck, it may help if you try to roll sideways to get out of bed.
The important thing is not to try to do too much too soon. Start your movement initially with a gentle walk around your home. Let your pain guide you. When you feel comfortable you can start to do things like make drinks or small meals. When your comfort increases you can start to take longer walks of maybe 5 to 10 minutes at a time.
It is also worth noting that when walking, you may find yourself stooping forward for a few days. This will gradually improve until you are walking with a straight back.
Ask your surgeon for individual advice dependant on the surgery you have had.